Sugarcane | Framed Canvas Print

As low as $299.00

Earn 150 block bucks by purchasing this item

Made to order
  • Best Price Guarantee Seen it cheaper? We'll price match!
  • I am all sorts of squiggles.
  • I am made in Australia.
  • I am framed in a groovy natural box frame.
  • I am printed on high quality canvas using fancy pants UV print technology.
  • I arrive ready to meet my wall. I also come with some protectors to ensure that your wall and me get along nicely.

See more by Iconiko

Goods are shipped within 12- 24 business days from the date you place your order. Postage times are as below: VIC, NSW, SA, ACT, QLD – 3-10 business days WA & NT – 5-12 business days If you live in one of those wonderful regional areas, you can also expect the goods to take an extra 3-4 business days to reach you.

Here at The Block Shop we want to make online shopping as easy and risk free as possible. If for any reason you are not happy with your purchase, we are happy to accept a return or exchange within 14 days of receipt (excluding made to order goods). Made to order goods include all artworks and any custom made furniture.

If you decide to return your purchase, you can choose from the following options;

Refund - We are happy to offer you a refund for the value of the item, less shipping costs.

Store Credit - A store credit will be issued for the value of the item, less shippings costs, and can be used anywhere on The Block Shop and is valid for 12 months.

Exchange - Exchange for another Block Shop item to the same value, including shipping costs.

To start the Return Process, please contact for return address details.