The Block 2020: Living & Dining Reveal
- 11 Oct 2020

We take a close look at the contestant's living and dining rooms...
Harry and Tash's living and dining room reveal
Score: 28 ½ - WINNERS!
They have made us laugh all series with their wonderful father and daughter dynamic.
But behind the laughs, Melbourne’s Harry and Tash are turning into serious competitors on The Block.
All three judges were very impressed with their huge living and dining room space, and they took out the win this week.
Immediately walking in the judges were impressed with the size and the choice Harry and Tash made with their placement of the table and chairs.
“It’s brilliant,” Darren said.
Shaynna loved the sofa, once again Tash is impressing with her shopping skills are an initially slow start on The Block.
There was a lot of drama in the week with Harry figuring out how to make his void at the rear of the living room, but all the hard work paid off.
“There was a lot of work in the void, it’s a six-metre void,” Harry said.
“All the scaffolding we got from Kennards couldn’t get up that high, so Dan had to get a scaffolder with some special scaff so I could get up there.
“That’s why I was up to 6 am this morning painting.”
The judges were all impressed with Tash’s choice of chairs. They also were impressed with the width of the fireplace. Those choices made what could have been a very vast space, feel very homely.
“Making a vast space feel intimate is the measure of how successful this room is,” Shaynna said.
Darren loved what Harry and Tash delivered this week, the only real criticism was about some of the finishing on the paintwork.
He also thought they should have chosen one large artwork instead of two paintings.
Harry and Tash believe one of their secret weapons is the fact they live just down the road from Brighton, in the suburb of Hampton.
They believe they know the area well and what the buyer wants, and the judges are starting to notice.
Harry could see himself living in this winning living and dining space.
“This is a room I think that is very special,” he said.
“The kitchen connects to the dining and then to the lounge perfectly.
“I think it’s an amazing space
Take a close look and shop Harry and Tash's winning living and dining room HERE
Daniel and Jade's living and dining room reveal
Score: 28 - Second place
The farmers from South Australia are gaining a reputation on The Block as being consistent performers, week in, week out.
More than anything Daniel and Jade, who have three children including a daughter Isla who has a rare chromosome disorder, need The Block to work for them.
They are sacrificing a lot to be away from their family, so they realise they have to work hard and get it everything they have got in the build.
They are doing exactly that.
The curved wall, with its’ unique texture, was something that Daniel created with the help of Novacolor immediately impressed the judges.
Darren gave it a hug on arrival!
“This would not have been easy to produce and it’s been very well done,” he said.
“I’m in sultry moody heaven.”
Daniel explained that the hero of the living room, the curved wall, was actually something anyone from home could make.
“We wanted to show just not high-end products but something that is reasonably cheap and a family could be confident of doing it themselves,” he said of the wall.
“The Novacolor range, the guys were fantastic to deal with to make it happen.
“We have been very mindful with a large family ourselves, to create a home that people that don’t have the big bucks can also be inspired with.”
Neale also was a big fan of the curved wall.
“It has such great texture,” he said.
“It ties in so well with the Caesertone on the island bench in the kitchen and gives the whole space warmth.”
The judges also loved the Christian Cole dining table, describing it as a beautifully made heirloom piece.
In a move that was very Brighton, an amazing food platter on the table added extra points in the judges’ eyes.
One drawback?
Neale wishes they had put a lamp in the living room, every living room need a lamp in his opinion.
Shaynna also thought the guys should have had more storage, some shelves perhaps?
But overall it was another very strong week from Daniel and Jade.
Just what will they do next?
Take a close look and shop Daniel and Jade's living and dining room HERE
Sarah and George's living and dining room reveal
Score: 25 - Third place
Yet to have a room week win on The Block, Sarah and George from Western Sydney are desperate for the judges to approve of their living and dining rooms in House No.2.
Immediately the amazing fireplace the pair delivered impressed the judges, made with white bricks from Briclad.
“Yet another lovely fireplace,” Darren said.
“A massive central, architectural element.”
Because of the fireplace, this week was a tough one for Sarah and George.
“The fireplace wasn’t as easy as it looks, it’s was quite challenging,” George said.
“It was a tedious week for us this week, but we knew that coming into the week.”
Sarah loves the result of the fireplace.
“We always wanted to do a pure white brick with our fireplace,” she said.
“I came across a company that manages to do whitewash, as soon as I found it, I knew I wanted to do this.”
The judges however weren’t completely sold on the idea.
Shaynna also was a fan of the couches and the chairs from as well, however she felt the couple good have had a bigger dining table.
“The couches I purchased three weeks ago from Freedom, I didn’t overthink it,” Sarah said of the couches.
“I’ve learnt with COVID-19 to listen to what my gut tells me.
“You need to make quick decisions.”
Sarah did notice however that this week it appears the world was getting back to normal, with more shops around Brighton open.
The thing all three judges have been saying this series to all the couples, they need to build an emotional connection.
That was the only thing really lacking for Sarah and George this week, according to the judges.
“Bidding wars come from emotionally engaged buyers and this room does need to do something more to engage the buyer against the other four homes on auction day,” Neale said.
It’s always a tough one to hear though, as Sarah and George believe there was a lot of emotion in both of the living and dining rooms.
George, in particular, was full of praise for his wife, as he had some downtime on The Block because of a sore back.
“I got up today and I was so emotional at what she had done,” he said of the morning of room delivery on The Block.
“I love it, I couldn’t picture it any better.
“The pressure Sarah has with not winning and coming up with these rooms, it is immense.”
Sarah and George took the judges comments to heart again, but will they bounce back?
One thing for sure, fans of The Block around Australia will be hoping next week is the week they finally get the room win from the judges they so desperately want.
Take a close look and shop George and Sarah's living and dining room HERE
Luke and Jasmin's living and dining room reveal
Score: 24 ½ - Fourth place
It was Jasmin’s birthday this week on The Block and after having everyone over for a few drinks on Friday night, that’s when the tears started.
Jasmin wasn’t happy at all with the layout of her living room.
“It was about 3 am on Saturday morning after having everyone over and we were putting the room together and I cried because I just thought it looked horrible,” she said.
“It just wasn’t coming together.”
In the end, Luke and Jasmin managed to sort things out and they delivered a very strong room, only with one major flaw according to judges Darren, Shaynna and Neale.
All three couldn’t understand why the position of the fireplace to the far left of the living room.
Darren believed it would have worked better swapping with the television, as a central fireplace would warm both sides of the room.
It was an issue that couldn’t overlook when scoring the Perth couple a 24 ½ out of 30.
Overlooking that, the judges were very impressed with the overall look and feel of their room.
Shaynna thought the dining chairs from Black Mango were ‘stunning,’ simply beautiful.
Darren and Neale thought the room was photoshoot ready.
“It feels like it matches the kitchen, and it feels right at home in beachside Brighton,” she said.
Jasmin’s white colour scheme with timber panelling has been a theme in a number of her rooms this year.
She believes it will really suit the Brighton buyer when it comes to auction time.
“From the beginning, we wanted a white on white approach as I think it’s really fresh and clean, and really suits the area,” she said.
It has been an up and down ride for Luke and Jasmin on The Block, but there is no doubt they have a distinct style and no what they want out of their house.
Will next week be easy sailing or will there be more drama?
It remains to be seen.
Take a close look and shop Luke and Jasmin's living and dining room HERE
Jimmy and Tam's living and dining room reveal
Score: 21 ½ - Fifth place
The hard working Brisbane couple this week broke a record by finishing their living and dining space on Friday.
Instead of slogging it on the tools on Saturday, they had a long lunch at host Scotty Cam’s house.
“It was good to get away from The Block and not just talk about The Block,” Jimmy said.
“It was more of us just getting to know Scotty and picking his brain on a few things, not just The Block.”
After either winning or coming close, it was a real rude awakening for our hard working team from Brisbane.
The judges while they loved the lamp and the storage space plus the brickwork around the chimney, they immediately thought the living and dining area was smaller than the other houses.
“The room looks beautiful, but it does fell compact,” Neale said.
The big risk that Jimmy and Tam took this week was to not put a dining room table in. They set the end of the kitchen bench with a dining setting.
In place of where the dining room table, albeit small, were two chairs from Satara.
“We were of the opinion the judges would have given us some flack if we were going to squeeze one into that space,” Jimmy said.
“We have got a really big dining space at the end of our kitchen island bench, so we thought those chairs and the fireplace were going to get a lot more use then the dining table would.”
But in the high-end luxury market of Brighton, all three judges disagreed.
Darren thought any buyer who buys a house in Brighton would expect a dining space, and all three judges think Jimmy and Tam would have to rework the room for it goes to auction.
While Shaynna liked the two chairs in front of the fireplace, she thought it was styled like a campsite.
She thought they could have put in a round table in place of the chairs, and the dining room problem would be solved.
They also had issues with the choice of furniture and the lack of it.
”It feels like a kitchen with a couple of chairs in it,” Neale said.
“This room currently feels like a hotel foyer.”
So in something that has never happened before this year Jimmy and Tam finished last, but don’t expect that to get them down.
They have a plan for house No.5 and they are going to stick with it.
Take a close look and shop Jimmy and Tam's living and dining room HERE
Welcome To My Room: Harry and Tash's painting error exposed Video | The Block 2020
Recap all the other Block room reveals HERE