Expect the unexpected, Omar and Oz keep telling the judges, and this week that’s exactly what they got. From the Herringbone floors to VJ panelling and desk, this was a room that was certainly unexpected… but does it all work? Shaynna loved the shelf behind the bed, but found the multiple horizontal lines confusing, Neale loved the bed dressing, but found the artwork generic and while Darren was happy with the way the view had been made a feature, he wasn’t quite sure it was enough to fill the styling gaps. Unexpected? Definitely, but enough to win? Not quite.
Remember you can utilise these BLOCK FRIDAY sale codes on top of already reduced items!!!!! What are you waiting for? Start checking off your Christmas list...
Remember you can utilise these BLOCK FRIDAY sale codes on top of already reduced items!!!!! What are you waiting for? Start checking off your Christmas list...