
Midweek Minute: Week 3

Last week, she scored a perfect 30-out-of-30 for her master bedroom and walk-in robe. This week, Suzi takes us behind-the-scenes of The Block in sixty seconds. Our time starts… NOW!

What was your first impression when you arrived at The Block?
‘Oh my god.’ [Laughs] I’ve never actually been on a building site before… I was horrified. I mean, the state of it… There was a pile of rubble in the centre of the room. I just felt we were really out of our depths.

As the only all-female couple on the show, do you feel like you’re at a disadvantage?
Look, everyone needs a man in their life, whether it’s to open a jar of pickles at home or whatever, but we’re two very powerful, independent, strong women. We’re single mums. I’ve given birth three times, this is a piece of cake compared to that! [Laughs] Obviously, it’d be nice to have a man around to do the heavy lifting and all that, but you know, Vonni lifts more than men at the gym, and I can sort of bat my eyelids and get it done.

How is your friendship coping under The Block pressure?
The Block pressure will get to any couple. It will divide you. You’ll have a little tiff here and there, but the good thing is, because we’ve known each other so long, we can say things without hurting each other’s feelings. We’re very open and honest, and that’s what you need in a strong relationship.

How would you describe your style to a prospective buyer?
Very high-end, chic, urban. It’s a five-star hotel room, but it’s in your house. It’s got a masculine feel so far, which is good, because it means you can add feminine touches to lighten everything up.

Add a bit of perfection to your home. Browse Suzi and Vonni’s Block Shop profile now!
