
Artist Spotlight: Yolan Eke

We speak with the lovely Yolan Eke Art, who has had her beautiful coastal seaside art featured in Jenny and Dylan's Palm House in Queensland, and we LOVE it!


yolan eke art jenny and dylan the blockYolan pictured with Jenny and Dylan from The Block 2022, Yolan's original art features in their Palm House in Queensland.


Tell us a bit about yourself…

I’m originally from Brisbane, have spent half my life living in New Zealand and then Spain and I’m finally back and call the Gold Coast home. 


How long have you been producing your art?

Most of my life I’ve been producing my art in one form or another, I’ve had a few pauses along the way, four kids will do that and I also worked in interior design for many years. Being back home with all this inspiration from our travels along with bad health led me back to art, it really was calling me back for a very long time!! 


Where do you draw inspiration from?

Everywhere!! I’m an extremely visual person, I’m especially drawn to the Coast with a heavy Mediterranean and Moroccan influence from my time spent living in Spain. Morocco is a hop skip and  a jump from the part of Spain we lived in. 

Yolan Eke art jenny and dylanYolan's artworks feauture a heavy Mediterranean and Moroccan influence from her time spent living in Spain. Morocco is a hop skip and a jump from where she lived. 


How would you describe your art?

Highly textured, with thick luscious layers of paint applied with a palette knife to give textural contrast and depth. I like to create dreamy pieces that transport you to either familiar favourite  places or far flung destinations. I love a Renoir quote

He said - “why shouldn’t art be pretty, there are enough unpleasant things in life without us to fabricate still more” I live and paint by this sentiment and definitely want to bring beauty and serenity to the fore of every piece I create. 


What does it mean for you to have your art featured on The Block and be a Block Shop artist?

 It’s a dream come true to be in The Block Shop. I LOVE The Block. I have watched it since the beginning, dragging my kids to go through the houses in years past so it’s fair to say I’m super excited about being in The Block Shop! 


Favourite Block couple?

 Jenny and Dylan , I call them Australia’s sweethearts!

Jenny and dylan the block Australia's sweethearts as Yolan refers to them, Jenny and Dylan from The Block Treechange 2022.


Where do you like to create your art?

In my home studio, in The Gold Coast hinterland, its looks out over native Australian bush land. Very peaceful and conducive to creativity 


What does a typical day look like for you?

There’s so much more to being an artist than creating the art so I try to balance all the not so fun stuff with the fun part- making  The art. I'm lucky to have my husband work with me, so he does most of the “serious stuff”. So a typical day for me starts with the school run (we take turns) then once it’s quiet - coffee in the studio and we discuss what we’re doing for the day and then it’s on to painting. I can’t believe I get to do this for “work”.

I’m so grateful!!! 

Yolan Eke Asrt studio The Block ShopYolan produces her art in her stidio in the Gold Coast hinterland, it looks out over native Australian bush land.


How do you fit your art around life/kids?/work- Any tips?

It's hectic but I try to stick to a good routine, not easy for me!!! So part of the routine is to have fun!! Our daughter (she’s 11) has a beanbag, tv, fridge etc in our studio and if she’s not swimming in the pool after school she’s in the studio with us and chats and distracts endlessly but it’s the best!! 


Favourite holiday destination?

Impossible to answer!! So many I love but I can’t wait to get back to Morocco. The culture, the food and the treasures from Medina. 


What would you buy yourself from The Block Shop?

I‘d love an infrared sauna , I saw the block shop has some really good ones and then I saw the ultimate one you have - the outdoor barrel sauna!! Oh my goodness, it’s so cool!! 


Favourite house decorating trend?

Linen- it’s not a trend it’s a way of life. It started with home decor for me and now I want to wear it, sit on it,  sleep on it, never be apart from it!!

Oh we here you there, Im also a self professed linen lover and the obsession is REAL! We love Jade + May they have the most amazing linen pyjamas, robes and so much more!


Yolan Eke ArtShop Yolan's range of stunning artworks on The Block Shop.


If you could renovate one room in your house which would it be?

The Bathroom. And my husband’s a qualified tiler so how is that not done!?? He’s done so many renovations since being here so I can’t complain but the bathroom is next. Oh and I could knock out a wall outside and walk out to the barrel sauna !! 


Favourite artwork you own?

A little piece I found in a Paris Antique market. I have to say that little piece I found all dusty in a box on the floor really drove me to start painting again. All I know of the artist is the initials BT. It was the Perfect day in Paris, although talk about rose coloured glasses!! There were riots in Paris this day so we stayed out by the markets where it was safe,

I had my phone stolen in the metro but the art, the market and the food outshone it all.


Most treasured possession (other than kids or partner!)

 A gold antique elephant and diamond ring my Mum left to me.

She died of breast cancer when she was only 53, we were very close so it’s my most treasured possession.


A perfect Sunday afternoon would be….

Floating on our pool bean bags with a cocktail and good book!


Thank you so much to Yolan for speaking with us, we can't wait to see where 2023 takes you! To check out Yolan's full range of art head over here.


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